Apple unveiled its new M4 chip for the iPad Pro, touting improved CPU and GPU performance over previous generations. Notably, it focused on the chip’s neural engine for running AI applications.
Apple claimed the M4 has the fastest neural engine yet and can handle more AI tasks than any other processor currently available in AI-focused PCs. It said the M4 can perform 38 trillion operations per second (TOPS).
TOPS is becoming a key metric manufacturers use to promote an AI chip’s capabilities. Qualcomm, Intel, AMD and Nvidia also tout TOPS specs for their AI-focused processors.
Nvidia’s graphics chips have much higher TOPS than others but serve different purposes. The new competition between Apple, Intel, AMD, Qualcomm and others shows the AI chip wars are intensifying.
The improved AI processing could enable more advanced generative AI apps to run directly on devices rather than in the cloud. But it remains to be seen if manufacturers can create compelling uses that drive consumer demand for “AI PCs.”
Source: Yahoo Finance