– China reportedly tested a hypersonic railgun that can launch projectiles at extremely high speeds using electromagnetic force.
– In a recent test, the railgun launched a “smart bomb” or precision-guided projectile 9 miles into the sky. However, the test was declared unsuccessful.
– Researchers from the Naval Engineering University analyzed the test and found that while the projectile exceeded Mach 5 speeds, it did not perform as intended because it was spinning too fast during ascent, causing an undesirable tilt.
– Railguns can potentially launch objects into space faster and farther than traditional rocket engines. China is researching applications for both military weapons and civilian uses like rapid transit trains or lower-cost space launches.
– However, major technical challenges around control and stability still need to be addressed, as demonstrated by the smart bomb failing to achieve its intended trajectory during this Chinese navy test. Stabilizing projectiles at hypersonic speeds remains an obstacle.
Source: Futurism