UN envoy warns that threat of terrorism is `resurging’ with attacks by Islamic State extremists

– The UN envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, warned the UN Security Council that the threat of terrorism is resurging in Syria, with attacks by Islamic State (ISIS) extremists on track to double this year compared to last year. – Syria remains in a fragile security situation 13 years after the civil war began, with […]
Which artificial sweetener is the safest choice?

There is no scientific consensus on which artificial sweetener is safest. More research is still needed to understand their long-term health effects. Some studies have linked sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose and sugar alcohols like xylitol and erythritol to increased risk of heart disease, but the evidence is observational and needs confirmation from clinical trials. Ongoing […]
What became of the flags Apollo astronauts left on the moon?

In 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted the American flag on the moon, which was captured in iconic photos. However, the flag planting was strictly symbolic as the Outer Space Treaty prevented territorial claims. The flags left by Apollo astronauts are no longer standing and have degraded due to prolonged sunlight […]
Accidentally exposed yellowish-green crystals reveal ‘mind-blowing’ finding on Mars, scientists say

The NASA Curiosity rover found crystals of pure elemental sulfur on Mars while exploring an area called Gediz Vallis channel on Mount Sharp. The sulfur crystals were discovered accidentally when the rover drove over a rock and cracked it open, revealing yellowish-green crystals inside that had never been seen on Mars before. Analysis of the […]
Urgent action needed as malaria evolves resistance to key drug

Malaria parasites are developing resistance to artemisinin, a key drug used to treat malaria. Resistance levels in some areas of East Africa have increased from under 1% to over 20% in just 3 years. Parasites resistant to artemisinin first evolved in Rwanda, Uganda and Eritrea and have since spread within and across country borders. Over […]
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards intercepted UAE-managed tanker, IRGC says
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said they seized an UAE-managed tanker called the Ambrey in the Gulf on Thursday. They accused it of smuggling fuel. The vessel had seven foreign crew on board and was carrying nearly 850,000 liters of smuggled fuel from Iranian smugglers, according to statement on IRG’s website. It said the crew were from […]