In 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted the American flag on the moon, which was captured in iconic photos. However, the flag planting was strictly symbolic as the Outer Space Treaty prevented territorial claims.
The flags left by Apollo astronauts are no longer standing and have degraded due to prolonged sunlight exposure (called “sun rot”) on the moon without an atmosphere. Meteoroid impacts also likely damaged the flags.
The six flags planted varied in size, and the last one flown on Apollo 17 in 1972 was uniquely displayed before being left on the moon.
While the flags have likely disintegrated by now due to environmental factors, their legacy as a symbol of human exploration of space remains significant.
Some conspiracy theorists argue the moon landings were faked, but evidence proves the landings were real. There is plenty of publicly available evidence and it’s implausible many people could keep such a hoax secret for decades. Critical thinking is needed to evaluate extraordinary claims.
Source: Space