Scientists Explored Hydrogen Forests—and May Have Uncovered Hidden Dark Matter

Scientists used a powerful simulator called PRIYA along with data to study a phenomenon called “hydrogen forests” in deep space where hydrogen atoms cluster.
Hydrogen forests form around sources of gravity and their light signature can be detected via spectroscopy techniques. They are believed to show where dark matter is concentrated since hydrogen is drawn into shapes by dark matter’s gravity.
The simulation modeled the “Lyman-alpha” ultraviolet light signature of hydrogen to map locations of likely dark matter based on how hydrogen atoms are clustered.
This helped researchers from UC Riverside to potentially explain a discrepancy between what models predict the universe should look like and what is actually observed, such as stunted galaxy growth.
While dark matter has not been directly detected, simulations like PRIYA continue advancing theories on its role by sharpening understandings of phenomena like hydrogen forests. The findings provide additional evidence that new physics may be involved rather than other currently known factors.

Source: Popular Mechanics

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