Scientists store entire human genome on ‘memory crystal’ that could survive billions of years

Scientists in the UK have stored the entire human genome on a “5D memory crystal” that could potentially survive for billions of years.
The crystal was developed by the University of Southampton and can store up to 360 terabytes of information while withstanding extreme conditions like heat, cold, impact, and radiation.
The human genome data is inscribed into nanostructures within the crystal using lasers, translating it into five dimensions for durability.
The researchers hope it could serve as a blueprint to bring humanity back from extinction if needed far in the future. It may also store other species’ gene data facing extinction.

To aid future finder(s), the crystal contains a visual key explaining what data it holds and how it could be used.
It is currently stored in a “Memory of Mankind” archive in Austria. Other documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have also been stored on crystals.
Some questions remain about how the data could actually be read centuries or longer from now with available future technology.

Source: CNN

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