Scientists Say Underwater Cave So Deep They Can’t Find the Bottom

– Scientists have discovered the deepest known underwater sinkhole (known as a blue hole) located off the coast of Mexico and Belize.

– The sinkhole is called Taam Ja’ Blue Hole (TJBH) and was previously thought to be the second deepest blue hole.

– A new study published findings that TJBH extends to at least 1,380 feet below sea level, making it deeper than previously known blue holes.

– To put this in perspective, the deepest ocean point is the Mariana Trench at around 36,000 feet deep. But TJBH is located only 2 miles off the Mexico coast.

– Researchers were unable to reach the bottom of TJBH even at 1,380 feet deep, suggesting it may connect to an extensive network of underwater caves and tunnels.

– This highlights how little is known about the oceans, as only 5% have been explored despite covering 70% of the planet.

– The discovery deepens scientific understanding and offers potential for discovery of new marine biodiversity in the deep caves and tunnels connected to TJBH.

Source: futurism

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