A botanist in Vermont found a rare tiny flower called false mermaid-weed that was thought to have gone extinct in the state since World War 1.
The botanist, Grace Glynn, had been searching for this plant which is very small and inconspicuous, and only blooms for a short period in April.
False mermaid-weed needs open floodplain soil to grow but these habitats are threatened by invasive plant species. Climate change is also causing more summer flooding which can damage the plant.
Invasives and climate impacts are major challenges as plants cannot migrate like animals. Native plants are important for local ecosystems as pollinators and wildlife rely on them.
The discovery of the plant again offers hope that conservation efforts can help endangered species recover even after a long time being extinct in an area. Native plants are crucial to environments and ecosystems.
Botanists in Vermont track hundreds of plant species and rely on citizen scientists to report rare species sightings to document their presence.
Source: CNN