The Most Powerful Picosecond Laser Yet Was Just Unveiled by Scientists

Scientists at ETH Zurich have developed the most powerful picosecond laser yet, capable of producing ultra-short laser pulses up to 100 megawatts. Picosecond pulses last less than a millionth of a millionth of a second. This breakthrough was achieved using a new type of thin disk laser based on ytterbium atoms in a crystal disk.

Key innovations included an improved replicating cavity to bounce and amplify light without instability, and an upgraded semiconductor saturable absorber mirror to shape pulses. Previous attempts required external amplifiers but this technology is more compact and efficient. Potential applications include high-precision measurements, materials testing without cutting, and frequency combs for ultra-precise clocks. This record-setting laser represents important progress for the technology and future uses in examining the natural world. The researchers were excited to achieve pulses that could briefly power 100,000 vacuums cleaners from a single shot.

Source: Science Alert

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